By July 16, 2024Blog Posts

This is your friendly reminder on how to use your DVIR book.

Drivers are required by law to use a DVIR.  Driver’s vehicle inspection report. This is where you write up your problems with your equipment.

At the Martin companies we have you fill them out daily. Turn one copy in to the shop via drop site. The other copy stays in book on the dash. This is so the shop can sign saying it has been repaired or is safe to operate. Then they return it to the dash. This way the next driver can see if it was fixed or not.

If you wrote something up and it was not fixed and not signed off. Take book to Lead shop personnel on duty and have them sign it saying it is good to go before leaving yard.

Do this each day until fixed. If this happens 3 days in a row bring your book to me and I’ll help seek out the problem.

Thank you. Troy