Keeping Safe in Hot Weather and Smoke

By July 25, 2024Blog Posts

With summer heating up and smoke sometimes in the air, it’s super important to stay safe while you’re out on the road. Here are some tips just for you:

  1. Drink Lots of Water: When it’s hot, you can get really thirsty. Make sure to keep water with you and take sips often to stay hydrated.
  2. Check the Air Quality: Sometimes there’s smoke from wildfires. Check the news or an app to know if it’s safe to be outside. If it’s smoky, use your truck’s air conditioning to keep the air clean inside.
  3. Plan Your Route: Know if there are any road closures because of fires. Use apps to find the best way to go so you don’t get stuck.
  4. Take Breaks: Driving can be tiring, especially in the heat. Stop at rest areas to cool down and rest a bit.
  5. Wear Sunscreen and Sunglasses: Protect your skin and eyes from the sun. Wear sunscreen and sunglasses when you’re outside.
  6. Keep Your Truck in Good Shape: Check your tires and brakes to make sure everything’s working well. This helps you stay safe on the road.
  7. Stay in Touch: Keep in contact with your boss or other drivers. Share info about road conditions and any problems you see.

By following these tips, you’ll stay safer and feel better while you’re driving. Have a great trip out there!



Ryan Hutchens