Somehow with all of the new faces, we have lost practice with tire thumping. Do…
FV MartinAugust 4, 2022
Just a reminder, engine fluid levels should be checked daily at the beginning of your…
FV MartinAugust 3, 2022
After living in our first owned home for 26 years. Since 1996. Raising our 5…
FV MartinAugust 2, 2022
Driving defensively is your best option for protecting yourself because you have no control over…
FV MartinJuly 28, 2022
The trucking industry pays an estimated 21.4 billion dollars to operate on American roadways per…
FV MartinJuly 28, 2022
We have policies and procedures for the exact same reason there are 36 warning labels…
FV MartinJuly 26, 2022